
U.S. Local Advertising Forecast 2025


The U.S. Local Advertising Forecast 2025 provides an overview of paid U.S. local advertising spent by national, regional, and SMB advertisers. The forecast includes a seven-year nationwide overview of total U.S. ad spending for traditional and digital media while identifying total local advertising spend with and without political spending. It also includes breakout estimates for linear television, Connected Television and Over-the-Top (CTV/OTT), mobile, social, radio, PC/Laptop and other key media. The forecast also reveals ad spend by growth verticals and key media selections.

Purchase this 100+ page report to get a detailed understanding of the trends, growth, and opportunities in the local advertising marketplace. Included are over three dozen charts detailing ad spend by media and business verticals, multi-year projections, regional analysis, spending in TV and CTV/OTT and much more. Option: Get expanded access to the U.S. Local Advertising Forecast in BIA ADVantage. Click here for details.

Forecast published August 2024.

The 2025 U.S. Local Advertising Forecast delivers a seven-year nationwide overview of total U.S. ad spending in local markets and market-based advertising revenue estimates for top media. BIA Advisory Services defines local advertising as all advertising platforms that provide access to local audiences for national, regional, and local marketers.

This forecast is a 100+ page slide deck that offers an objective and credible examination of 2025 out to 2028, including insights and analysis on the key issues and trends impacting local advertising spend.

Companies use the U.S. Local Advertising Forecast to:

  • Drill into specific media (i.e., local television, radio, mobile, social, PC/Laptop CTV/ OTT, and OOH) to track activity and opportunities.
  • Obtain a reliable view of the ad spend in local media.
  • Understand the market drivers for this year and next.
  • Gain insights into the ad platforms that are growing in use by key growth verticals.
  • Identify growth and declines in ad spend by top business categories like Political, Auto, Retail, Legal and more.

Forecast Contents

  • Total U.S. ad spending nationally with and without Political advertising
  • Digital and traditional media share of wallet
  • Top 5 Media by spend
  • Top Competitors for Local Digital Ad Spend
  • Largest Markets by Dollar Growth and Year over Year Percent Increase
  • Regional Analysis
  • Share of Wallet across media for 2025
  • Local Video (i.e. Local Broadcast TV, Local Cable, Local Digital TV, and Local OTT) Ad Revenue
  • Local Broadcast TV and Local Radio Ad Spend
  • Local Newspaper, Social, Mobile, OOH, and PC/Laptop Ad Spend and Trends
  • Detailed OTT Spend and Analysis
  • Vertical Category Analysis: Top Spenders and Growth Verticals, Verticals decreasing local ad spend.

When you purchase the U.S. Local Ad Forecast 2025, it is delivered in PDF format.

Option: Get expanded access to the U.S. Local Advertising Forecast in BIA ADVantage, an advertising revenue intelligence platform. Click here for details. Questions? Contact us at

Already a BIA ADVantage client? Login now to view your local market data and the forecast report.