
Insights into Local Advertising – Automotive Vertical


Welcome to the latest update as of April 2024. Our comprehensive report, titled ‘Insights in Local Advertising 2024 – Automobile Vertical,’ delves into the intriguing world of advertising expenditure within the automobile industry, including its eight distinct sub-verticals.

This report is a valuable addition to our ongoing series, meticulously crafted to empower local media organizations with insights into the evolving landscape of media spending behaviors among advertisers in critical vertical sectors. We also unravel the fascinating dynamics of the market share distribution across prominent media channels.

Published in April 2024 as part of BIA’s 2024 U.S. Ad Forecast, this report is your trusted guide to the current state of advertising within the automotive vertical. Dive in and discover the strategic trends shaping the industry.

Number of Pages:  16

The report “Insights in Local Advertising – Automotive Vertical” examines local media spending trends and consumer media usage habits in the automotive industry, as well as details on the top 3 spending sub-verticals.

Report analysis includes:

  • Effects of the economy, inflation, and supply chains on the advertising intentions for the Automotive Industry.
  • Detailed overview of automotive spending in all TV markets across 17 media for 2019-2027 including trends.
  • Total auto spending by all 8 auto sub-verticals in 2022, 2023, and 2024.
  • Growth and declines in traditional and digital media ad spend.
  • Detailed analysis for the top 3 Automotive sub-verticals (i.e., Tier 1- Automotive Manufacturers, Tier 2 – Local Automobile Dealers Associations, and Tier 3 – New Car Dealers.
  • Actionable local sales strategies on how local sellers can become better marketing partners with current and prospective clients.

Who should read this report?

  • Local Media Sales Professionals
  • Media Leaders seeking a strategic approach to Automakers and marketers
  • Marketers and Sales Leaders in Media and Automotive Companies
  • Marketing Platform Developers
  • Analysts, Investors

NOTE: BIA ADVantage subscribers can login to access the report and run custom auto reports for local markets.