
Market Assessment and Opportunities for Local Radio: 2018-2022


Offering an in-depth assessment of the radio industry, BIA’s state-of-the-industry report on Radio examines how the industry maintains a prominent position in the local marketplace despite challenges from competition from digital and slowing over-the-air ad revenues.

The report covers regulatory issues, advertising revenues, advertiser satisfaction, audience demographics, programming trends and content, maturing digital platforms and local radio opportunities.

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The state of the radio industry is detailed in the 36 page paper, “Market Assessment and Opportunities for Local Radio: 2018-2022.”

The report delivers a comprehensive assessment of the radio industry and is a useful resource for anyone focused on the trends and direction of local radio, including radio groups and financial institutions and companies building interactive digital solutions being embraced by the industry.

The report includes the following analysis and information:

  • Capital markets views on the radio industry
  • Station trading activity, including prices and values of stations and public companies
  • The overall local radio station industry advertising growth
  • Radio’s position in the digital media marketplace
  • Audience shares and revenue histories of local radio stations
  • Audience analytics as related to connected cars, podcasting, live streaming, smart speakers
  • Trends and buying habits of advertisers
  • Competitive advertising market including top verticals utilizing radio
  • Popularity of different formats
  • Increased use of FM translators by AM stations
  • Technology changes in radio, including HD Radio, NextRadio, FM translators and streaming

Although local radio stations are still important players in their local markets, we do not expect the over-the-air advertising revenue of U.S. radio stations to grow much this year or in the near future. There is an unprecedented number of new audio entertainment and information sources and new advertising platforms competing with radio, including many that are unregulated. It’s an aggressive environment that competes for audiences with local radio.

Mark Fratrik, chief economist and report author, BIA/Kelsey