The Investing In Radio Market Report, profiles every Arbitron-rated market with historic and projected market demographic and financial statistics. It also includes station competitive and performance information including 12+ total day Arbitron ratings for the past eight ratings periods, technical data, ownership and acquisition information. BIA/Kelsey includes its estimated advertising revenues for each station and market.
This publication also profiles FM Translators in Arbitron markets rebroadcasting AM stations and multicast signals. To track the growth of online and digital activities across the industry, the Investing In Market Reports include individual market level online advertising estimates.
The 750+ page book is updated and published quarterly after each of the Arbitron ratings periods.
Forecasting Methodology
BIA/Kelsey’s forecast methodology is based on actual estimates of local online market advertising revenue totals. Estimates are solicited from local radio stations and knowledgeable local market experts. To provide an accurate review of the advertising marketplace, the model does not include revenues of e-commerce sales through daily or weekly deal campaigns or any retransmission consent.